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Academic staff

Find Medical School academic staff.

Name Positions Contacts Units
Dr Riemke Aggio-Bruce
  • Lecturer in Anatomy, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • +61 2 6125 9069
Acton Campus, Florey Building
Dr Danish Ahmad
  • Lecturer in Population Health and Social Science, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • +61 2 6125 5274
Acton Campus, Florey Building
Dr Katrina Anderson
  • Senior Research Fellow (MRFF Project 'To Know Me is to Understand Me: Digital Life Story Packages in Dementia Care Transitions')
  • ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
Simulation and Clinical Skills ANU Sydney Campus
  • Senior Lecturer, Simulation and Clinical Skills, ANU Sydney campus
  • ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
SMP Sydney Clinical School
Dr Rosalie Aroni
  • Senior Lecturer in Health Science, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • +61 2 6125 0605
Dr Neil Bailey
  • Senior Research Fellow, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
Ms Suzanne Bain-Donohue
  • Lecturer in Indigenous Health, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
Acton Campus, Florey Building
Dr Louise Baker OAM
  • Senior Lecturer, Rural Clinical School, Cowra Campus (part-time). ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • General Practice
  • +61 2 6382 6982
Dr Swaminathan Balasubramanian
  • Senior Lecturer, Rural Clinical School, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • part-time
Dr Katelyn Barnes
  • Research Lead, Senior Research Fellow, on project RACGP Education Research Grant: developing educational modules for conducting safe and high quality telehealth
  • ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • Senior Research Officer, ACT Health, Academic Unit of General Practice (part-time)
  • +61 2 5124 4945
Canberra Clinical School
Dr Michelle Barrett
  • Academic Coordinator Year 1 Clinical Skills, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • Clinical Skills Lead and Senior Lecturer, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • General Practice
  • Tuckwell Fellow ANU
  • +61 2 5124 3361
SMP Canberra Clinical School
Dr Purnima Bhat
  • Senior Lecturer Gastroenterology, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • +61 2 6125 3425
Acton Campus, Florey BuildingSMP Canberra Clinical School
Dr Barbara Cameron
  • Lecturer, Rural Clinical School, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology (part-time)
  • General Practice
Dr Lachlan Campbell
  • Academic Registrar, Indigenous Health Unit, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology (part-time)
Dr Amber Chambers
  • International Student Coordinator (part-time), ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • Psychiatrist, Canberra Health Services
Canberra Clinical School
Dr Philip Chia
  • Clinician Educator - Surgery, School of Medicine and Psychology (part-time)
  • General Surgery, Postgraduate Fellow in General Surgery, ACT Health
  • +61 2 5124 0000 (Canberra Hospital switchboard)
Canberra Clinical School
Professor Bruce Christensen
  • Deputy Director, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • Head, Psychology Discipline, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • +61 2 6125 3974
Clinical Associate Professor Allen-John Collins OAM
  • Clinical Associate Professor, Rural Clinical School, Bega NSW Campus, School of Medicine and Psychology
Dr Joanna Copland
  • Lecturer, Rural Clinical School, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology (part-time)
Dr Peter Davis
  • Senior Lecturer, Rural Clinical School, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology (part-time)
  • GP Obstetrician
Dr Sari Dewi
  • Associate Lecturer, BHSC Program, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
Acton Campus, Florey Building
Dr Carolyn Droste
  • Sub-Dean Calvary Hospital, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • Senior Lecturer, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • Endocrinology Specialist, North Canberra Public Hospital
  • +61 2 6201 6111 (North Canberra Public Hospital switchboard)
SMP Canberra Clinical School
Dr Eli Dunn
  • Academic Coordinator Phase 2 Clinical Skills (part-time)
SMP Canberra Clinical School
Dr Nathan Emmerich
  • Research Fellow (Senior Lecturer) in Bioethics, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • Senior Lecturer, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • Year 2 Medical Student Coordinator in 2024 (MChD program)
Acton Campus, Florey Building
Dr Renee Eslick
  • Clinician Educator - Medicine, School of Medicine and Psychology (part-time)
  • Haematology Specialist, Canberra Health Services
SMP Canberra Clinical School
Dr Suzanne Estaphan
  • Senior Lecturer in Medical Science, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • +61 2 6125 6408
Acton Campus, Florey Building
Dr Immaculate Fabros
  • Clinician Educator - Paediatrics (part-time)
  • Paediatric Specialist
SMP Canberra Clinical School
Dr Hasan Farooq
  • Clinician Educator - Acute Care, School of Medicine and Psychology (part-time)
  • +61 2 5124 0000 (Canberra Hospital Main Reception)
Professor Paul Fitzgerald
  • Director, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • ANU College of Health and Medicine
  • (EA - Cheryl Morse E: cheryl.morse@anu.edu.au)
  • +61 2 6125 2622
Acton Campus, Florey BuildingSMP Canberra Clinical School
Associate Professor Karen Flegg
  • Associate Professor Rural Clinical School, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
  • General Practice


Updated:  28 September 2021/Responsible Officer:  Dean, Medical School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Medical School