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Link & Learn

Link and Learn: education series on sustainable and low-cost healthcare delivery

The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted health inequities, defined by the World Health Organisation as differences in health status or in health resources between different population groups. It is becoming increasingly important to address these to provide healthcare to those in need.

Link and Learn aims to highlight the health issues present in resource-limited regions and provide education on effective health services through 2 initiatives.

  1. An intensive 2-week clinician-led short course on "Clinical aspects of healthcare delivery in resource limited settings" suitable for undergraduates, postgraduates and Fellows. See details below for upcoming courses.
  2. Open access modules addressing themes including variations in clinical management, models of care, health system management and health leadership in resource limited settings. 
    - Three modules are under construction in collaboration with Canberra Health Services. 
    - Rollout of the first module is expected in 2024.


Upcoming courses

Monday, 4 September to Thursday 14 September 2023: Empowering Change: A Clinician-led Online Course to Unleash the Potential of Healthcare Equity in Low-Resource Settings

Updated:  8 March 2023/Responsible Officer:  Dean, Medical School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Medical School