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Important Update:

The content from this site has been moved to https://medicine-psychology.anu.edu.au. Please visit the new site for information about our school, study programs, clinical services and more. Can't find what you're looking for? Please reach out to us on communications.smp@anu.edu.au. We value your feedback.


The SMP Rural Clinical School (RCS) of the ANU School of Medicine and Psychology (SMP), offers an exciting opportunity for medical students to prepare for a career as a rural doctor. The RCS is funded by the Federal Government to encourage medical students to take up careers in rural practice, and strengthen the health workforce in rural communities across Australia.

The RCS aims to attract more doctors into rural practice through the provision of quality, targeted and dynamic regional training opportunities. The RCS achieves this through strong partnerships with community health services, public and private health care providers, local governments and rural communities.

The ANU School of Medicine and Psychology delivers both the academic and social support services required to make rural medical training experiences inspiring and educational. The school takes a long term view to graduate outcomes, providing ongoing career guidance, mentoring and links to rural junior doctor opportunities after graduation.

Updated:  27 September 2019/Responsible Officer:  Dean, Medical School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Medical School