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General Practice and Community

clinical placements, general practice, general practitioners, MChD, doctor of medicine and surgery, medicine, training


Medical students will receive quality training experiences in general practice, crucial to their journey to becoming a doctor. Australians see their general practitioner (GP) more than any other health professional, with nine out of ten people seeing their GP at least once a year. This puts GPs at the centre of the healthcare system.

A list of participating general practices can be found here.

Clinical placements

In year 3 of the 4-year medicine program, students are placed in an urban general practice in Canberra and Queanbeyan for 6 weeks.  They spend 3 days a week in clinical practice supported by two days of teaching activities. GP placements are an opportunity to experience the depth and breadth of medical practice.

Students see patients aged from 1 week to 90 years and they will present with all sorts of physical, emotional, and psychological issues. It is a great opportunity to see the complexity and range of medical conditions while witnessing comprehensive longitudinal care.  

Students learn from sitting in with GPs and other members of the practice team including nurses and allied health professionals. During the urban block students can also apply for half time placements in specialised GP environments that look after the needs of vulnerable people such as Refugee health, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health, Drug and Alcohol and Correction health. 

More information can be found here.

Updated:  1 September 2022/Responsible Officer:  Dean, Medical School/Page Contact:  Webmaster, Medical School